The latest billboard in the ongoing campaign against teenage drinking is a bib — a dental bib.ParentsEmpowered and the Utah Dental Association aren’t exactly drooling over their idea, but they’re pretty excited about a public awareness campaign kicked off Wednesday using the unconventional medium and the captive confines of the dental chair.
The slogan printed upside-down on the bib for best possible viewing by those who in the coming months find themselves in that extremely well-lighted, nearly inverted, highly compliant position reads: “Alcohol does to teen’s brains what sugar does to teeth.”
A bib is hardly the banner-sized campaign of this past spring in which 55 garbage trucks were wrapped with the catchphrase: “Alcohol can trash your kid’s brain” and carried along some 3.3 million miles of pickup routes in and around Salt Lake City.
“But research shows that messages concerning health and physical well-being are often better received in a health-care setting than messages carried in other media,” said campaign spokeswoman Sherri Clark.
Although it’s pretty small-screen by comparison, the campaign makes up in circulation by being featured in dental offices across the state.
Colton Kurunada,15, of Salt Lake City sports anti-alcohol message on bib during a checkup at Dr. Mike Rausch’s dental office.